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Monday, June 2, 2008

The Independant Indian Woman?

Is the Indian woman truly independent? Does she really live the life she wants to live?
Is she truly free in thought, action and speech?

We talk about saving the girl child, equality between the sexes, equal opportunity and many such other things, that sound very nice; but at the grass root level or even in the so called educated and upper class society does the woman get to set the rules for her own life; forget everyone else's...

Why is it that even though she is financially and mentally independent, she needs the emotional support from her kin; and to get that she gives in, to way too many things, as against the opposite sex. How easy is it for a 'man' to walk out of a relationship or say 'may be we should part ways if "you" think this does not work'; he more often than not makes it seem like it is 'her' choice and he is only doing what he is asked to do. I wonder how, it does not take a split second, for a man to make such a statement about the lady, who has given close to everything to him; who has supported him through the good and bad times, without a sigh or a second thought about the consequences.

When he hits rock bottom financially, she fends for the household without even stating the fact; she makes sure her children still respect the 'man' in the family, and does not even mention about the financial contributor; she still does every other daily chore and it is business as usual for her. When she does all this, the 'man' thinks she is doing more than usual, to put him down and prove to him that 'he' is not good enough. His ego supersedes everything else and this woman, who once meant everything to him, is reduced to 'next to nothing'. She does not utter a word, since she understands that he is losing confidence and needs support; he sees this silence as her arrogance and says and does things, that no woman 'should' tolerate.

I wonder what the woman goes through mentally and emotionally during these times... Does she not want to yell at him and ask him to leave? Does she think about her children and their future, and about her parents and their feelings? Does she think about the society? If yes, then I still ask, will all these people support her in all her decisions, irrespective of the consequences? If yes, then should she not stand for her rights and fight for what she deserves? Should she not be more practical and less emotional to save her self respect?

Seems easy... And is very hard... I know...

But, these are still my asks of the Indian woman... We can only call ourselves free... when we are able to do things we believe in, with no fear of loss.

1 comment:

Life Love Moments N Food said...

I really njoyed reading it, its so true, when you come to think of it, we all talk bout being 'The Modern Indian Girl', and being free and we can do watever we like, but can we never shred our tag of being an 'Indian Girl' and thts wat they count in the end. As rightly sung, wat eva we do "In The End It Doesnt Even Matter!!"